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Primarul are in subordinea sa un aparat propriu ce comunica cu locuitorii comunei....

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Hotararile CL sunt supuse votarii si se refera la buna functionare a comunitatii...

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Documente contabile

documente contabile

Aici va sunt prezentate bugetul, bilantul, rectificarile si alte acte privind banii comunei

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declaratie de avere si interese

Aici gasiti declaratiile de avere si interese ale membrilor CL si functionarilor publici...

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Folder Trimestrul III


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spreadsheet Fluxuri de Trezorerie (cod 03) Finante 30 09 2017 xlsx ( xlsx, 12 KB ) (300 downloads) Popular
spreadsheet Contul de Rezultat Patrimonial TOTAL 30 09 2017 xlsx ( xlsx, 11 KB ) (307 downloads) Popular
spreadsheet Contul de Rezultat Patrimonial 02 Bugetul local 30 09 2017 xlsx ( xlsx, 11 KB ) (305 downloads) Popular
spreadsheet Cont de Executie Venituri 02 30 09 2017 xlsx ( xlsx, 19 KB ) (310 downloads) Popular
spreadsheet Cont de Executie Detalierea Cheltuielilor 84020301 30 09 2017 xlsx ( xlsx, 12 KB ) (311 downloads) Popular
spreadsheet Cont de Executie Detalierea Cheltuielilor 70020501 30 09 2017 xlsx ( xlsx, 11 KB ) (319 downloads) Popular
spreadsheet Cont de Executie Detalierea Cheltuielilor 68021501 30 09 2017 xlsx ( xlsx, 11 KB ) (332 downloads) Popular
spreadsheet Cont de Executie Detalierea Cheltuielilor 68020502 30 09 2017 xlsx ( xlsx, 12 KB ) (324 downloads) Popular
spreadsheet Cont de Executie Detalierea Cheltuielilor 67020307 30 09 2017 xlsx ( xlsx, 11 KB ) (327 downloads) Popular
spreadsheet Cont de Executie Detalierea Cheltuielilor 67020302 30 09 2017 xlsx ( xlsx, 13 KB ) (312 downloads) Popular
spreadsheet Cont de Executie Detalierea Cheltuielilor 66025050 30 09 2017 xlsx ( xlsx, 12 KB ) (320 downloads) Popular
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spreadsheet Cont de Executie Detalierea Cheltuielilor 65020302 30 09 2017 xlsx ( xlsx, 12 KB ) (320 downloads) Popular
spreadsheet Cont de Executie Detalierea Cheltuielilor 65020301 30 09 2017 xlsx ( xlsx, 12 KB ) (315 downloads) Popular
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spreadsheet Cont de Executie Detalierea Cheltuielilor 700250 30 09 2017 xlsx ( xlsx, 13 KB ) (312 downloads) Popular
spreadsheet Cont de Executie Detalierea Cheltuielilor 650250 30 09 2017 xlsx ( xlsx, 11 KB ) (313 downloads) Popular
spreadsheet Cont de Executie Detalierea Cheltuielilor 610250 30 09 2017 xlsx ( xlsx, 11 KB ) (326 downloads) Popular
spreadsheet Cont de Executie Detalierea Cheltuielilor 550201 30 09 2017 xlsx ( xlsx, 11 KB ) (316 downloads) Popular
spreadsheet Cont de Executie Cheltuieli 02 30 09 2017 xlsx ( xlsx, 16 KB ) (311 downloads) Popular
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